1Jonas dad explains Jonas what they do in the ceremony of twelve.Jonas father told him that the elders are always watching the kid because in the ceremony of twelve they choose what job is going to have each kid that has twelve years.Jonas dad told him that he always want to be a Nurturer , he always was at the Nurturer center.Then Jonas dad brings a baby named Gabriel , Lily like so much this baby that she said that she whats to be a birth mother .Then Lilies mom said to her that you only gave 3 births and then you so much things, you can even see the babies.A announcement said that you cant take the food of the recreation area .Jonas was the one who take a apple because he was playing with Asher and suddenly in the air the apple changed and then not and then again so he took the apple home, he apologized to the director of the recreation area.Then Jonas go to the help center and a new character is presented as Fiona a friend of Asher and Jonas , then Jonas go to the help center were Asher and Fiona were and they talk with Larissa about Roberto that was released.
2“This morning we celebrated the release of Roberto it was wonderful”
pg 31
I am a little confused if the releasing is good or bad.I think that it is bad but good at the same time.I think that is good because they are celebrating but i also said it is bad because they could celebrate but they could just being acting or lying .But I said that is bad to because when you are not like very old and you do something bad they release you so i think that , that they release you it is bad because if you are doing something bad they are going to release you but they are releasing old people and they celebrate because you are going to be released.
3 In conclusion i think this is a good book.I think this book has dystopia and that what makes it a good book.I think that this book have suspense because when i read this book i want to read it more and more but i cant.I think that Jonas it is a good kid because he goes to the help center to help old people.