martes, 31 de marzo de 2015

Suspicious Lady

This story is named "The Land Lady" by Roald Dahl , this story is about a men named Billy Weaver he find a place to stay there a night and he finds a bed and  breakfast place, he stay there , when hye enter he see a woman that treated him very well and was nice.When he was in his room he see that everything was perfect , then the woman enter and said to him to write his name in a book,he writes and find two names that were very fa familiar to him he takes a cup of tea trying to recognize the names.This woman is very suspicious because she give he tea to Billy and to him it tasted a little strange.At the end the suspicious woman says that he was at the perfect age and Roald Dahl let us predict what happens at the final of the story.

One thing that I like of Roald Dahl is imagery because he tells all this stories very detailed and he always let us imagine very well what is happening.

"The tea tasted faintly of bitter almonds, and he didn’t much care for it." (Dahl 6)
Here we can see that Roald Dahl is explaining very well because he is telling us that the flavor of the tea was very strange.We can image e like Billy like making a strange face.In conclusion i think that Roald Dahl gives us a perfect image of what is happening in the storie.

Roald Dahl also give us a very good personality of the characters in the story for example:
“His skin was just like a baby’s.” 
This is a strange thing that the woman said about a men and we like could infer that this woman is crazy and she is a psycho.

The Land Lady is one of my favorite stories.The message is that you never judge of apariences because at the begging we can see that is a nice woman but at the end things turn a little different.The theme is to trusting.Inc conclusion i think that this storie haves many characterization and imagery events. 

sábado, 10 de enero de 2015



2"He killed !My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realazing."

Chef Knife ReviewsI think like that the author tries to do is to impact us .I think that because in one part of the book they are celebrating the release of Roberto.The word celebrating is good , now we think of another thing when we read that releasing is killing people.I also think that they dont know memories so they dont know what is killing or what is murder.In conclusion i think that the author do a great job by making this confusing chapters.

3I n conclusion i think that these book is very good.I think it have many suspense in these chapters.I predict that Jonas will save the community of these world without memories.I think that the giver will found Rosemary and Jonas will talk with his dad.In conclusion I think this is the best book that i have read.