sábado, 10 de enero de 2015



2"He killed !My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realazing."

Chef Knife ReviewsI think like that the author tries to do is to impact us .I think that because in one part of the book they are celebrating the release of Roberto.The word celebrating is good , now we think of another thing when we read that releasing is killing people.I also think that they dont know memories so they dont know what is killing or what is murder.In conclusion i think that the author do a great job by making this confusing chapters.

3I n conclusion i think that these book is very good.I think it have many suspense in these chapters.I predict that Jonas will save the community of these world without memories.I think that the giver will found Rosemary and Jonas will talk with his dad.In conclusion I think this is the best book that i have read.