domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014


Jonas memories


Jonas a little kid with memories even in his feet
Jonas a reciever with many pain given
Jonas looks like a dog he sees different than others
Jonas with the memories of war he was very mad
With the memorie of Christmas Jonas was full of joy
The memorie of the sled that was red
Jonas Jonas Jonas you are trying by lying to don't be released
Jonas do not get in trouble and continue so you can be The Giver

"The giver looked away,as he could not bear to see what he had done to Jonas."Forgive me " he said

I have wonder how terrible was this memory.I wonder this because when Jonas meet the giver he apologize some times to him and the Giver said no time for apologizes.In this qoute The Giver is apologizing Jonas and i dont understand why he is apologizing if he said is a waste if time.I am also asking myself why they need to have this memories so terrible?Jonas dont whant to go back but is his job.In conclusion i think all, need to have this memories not only Jonas.

In conclusion i think this are the best chapter now.I think that because now in this chapter is happening the action.I also think that because more memories and stuff like that are transmited to Jonas .I predict that in the next chapter Jonas will continue passing all his memories to babay Gabe but then they will release Gabe and that memories will be lost.In conclusion i think this chaoter are amazing and every chapter

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

Jonas training

1 In chapter nine Jonas is given the rules of his training and it saiys that you cant lie or you cannot tel, about his chapter 10 Jonas enter to the room , and the reciever told him what are they going to do ithis job, that he is going to transmit all hes memories that all the  recievers have told the other recievers. Then the old man put his hand on his backmand he transmit the memorie of the snow and Jonas sees snow but he never knew that it exicted. Then they finish and the next day at scholl they ask Jonas all questions anout his job but he canot tell any body about his job so he dont said anything. Jonas was with Fiona and he see that Fionas hair had chainged like the apple he told that to the reciever and he said thaat he can see that things to then he transmit the memorie of the sun and then the memorie of the raimbow and then when jonas was going mout the recieveer  told him to call hime the giver.

2 Do you mean not just us ? Not just the community?Do you mean else where too?

 I am confused with this quote.When Jonas says else where I dont know what it means inthink it means our world.I think they are in a island and they cannot go any were.I think Jonas world is constructed by a person that is mean.I have a question and is that why all the people dont broke rules and they do something to have good life.In conlusion i think Jonas world is very bad but safe.

3 In conlcusion i think Jonas is going to have a hard time learning this memot elories.I think Jonas will broke a rule and he will be punished really bad.I think Jonas will tell about his training and he will be released.I predict that Jonas will be tell about the releasement and the relearnt will be bad so he will need to tell the truth.In conclusion i think that this book is very good .



domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2014

Questions Chapter 5 to 8

1 The chapter five its about when Jonas family are talking about what they dream and Jonas said that he was dreaming that he want to bath fiona but Fiona don't want to , then Jonas mom said to Jonas to take some pills so he could not have a feeling of a person any more but she says to him that he need to take them every day.In chapter 6 Jonas family go to the families ceremony , in this ceremony they give the families a new children but only the ones that have i kid,to Fiona family they give them a boy named Bruno.In chapter 7 Jonas start to talk about what they do at each ceremony,he said that at the ceremony of nine they give you a bike, it was also the ceremony of eight were Lily was and they give here a jacket.At the chapter eight is the ceremony of twelve  and there was something strange because they skipped Jonas but at the final they said that he was not selected for en job they said he was the chosen one to be the receiver.

2 pg63   he calls it the capacity to see beyond.

I am confused because i don't understand the capacity to see beyond.I think the capacity to see beyond.I also connected to the tru man show because they say that he was like chosen to be the star because he like always want to explore new things , both Jonas and truman were like chosen because of special abilities.I also connect to the true man show because like all in Tru mans world is chosen the job the car the wife like in the giver because in the ceremony of twelve they choose there job.In conclusion i think that Jonas is very special to the community.

I conclude that in the giver is suspend.I infer that in the chapter 12 they will make some training to Jonas so he could get wisdom.I think Jonas is going to change all the rules of the community.i al I think that at the end of the book Jonas will get all the community to the release center and all the community will go to the earth.In conclusion i think Jonas is a very intelligent kid that why they choose him to be the receiver.

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014


1Jonas dad explains Jonas what they do in the ceremony of twelve.Jonas father told him that the elders are always watching the kid  because in the ceremony of twelve they choose what job is going to have each kid that has twelve years.Jonas dad told him that he always want to be a Nurturer , he always was at the Nurturer center.Then Jonas dad brings a baby named Gabriel , Lily like so much this baby that she said that she whats to be a birth mother .Then Lilies mom said to her that you only gave 3 births and then you so much things, you can even see the babies.A announcement said that you cant take the food of the recreation area .Jonas was the one who take a apple because he was playing with Asher and suddenly in the air the apple changed and then not and then again so he took the apple home, he apologized to the director of the recreation area.Then Jonas go to the help center and a new character is presented as Fiona a friend of Asher and Jonas , then Jonas go to the help center were Asher and Fiona were and they talk with Larissa about Roberto that was released.

2“This morning we celebrated the release of Roberto it was wonderful”

pg 31

I am a little confused if the releasing is good or bad.I think that it is bad but good at the same time.I think that is good because they are celebrating but i also said it is bad because they could celebrate but they could just being acting or lying .But I said that is bad to because when you are not like very old and you do something  bad they release you so i think that , that they release you it is bad because if you are doing something bad they are going to release you but they are releasing old people and they celebrate because you are going to be released.

3 In conclusion i think this is a good book.I think this book has dystopia and that what makes it a good book.I think that this book have suspense because when i read this book i want to read it more and more but i cant.I think that Jonas it is a good kid because he goes to the help center to help old people.


Reader Questions

1The giver is about a kid name Jonas , in this book at the start a airplane passe throw  the city were Jonas was an some persons start saying to other persons to go to their homes .Jonas was a little scared about this but then in a microphone somebody said the it was okay , it wasn't nothing.At night Jonas family start too talk about their feelings.Then Jonas said something that his dad said to Lilly her sister to go to her room because they were going to talk in private.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
2The questioning strategy was the one that most impacted me.“Then all the citizens had been ordered to go into the nearest building and stay there”

3My final thinking are why the peoples need to go to the nearest building .Why they are all scared about a airplane.Why everybody is confused.