domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014

Jonas training

1 In chapter nine Jonas is given the rules of his training and it saiys that you cant lie or you cannot tel, about his chapter 10 Jonas enter to the room , and the reciever told him what are they going to do ithis job, that he is going to transmit all hes memories that all the  recievers have told the other recievers. Then the old man put his hand on his backmand he transmit the memorie of the snow and Jonas sees snow but he never knew that it exicted. Then they finish and the next day at scholl they ask Jonas all questions anout his job but he canot tell any body about his job so he dont said anything. Jonas was with Fiona and he see that Fionas hair had chainged like the apple he told that to the reciever and he said thaat he can see that things to then he transmit the memorie of the sun and then the memorie of the raimbow and then when jonas was going mout the recieveer  told him to call hime the giver.

2 Do you mean not just us ? Not just the community?Do you mean else where too?

 I am confused with this quote.When Jonas says else where I dont know what it means inthink it means our world.I think they are in a island and they cannot go any were.I think Jonas world is constructed by a person that is mean.I have a question and is that why all the people dont broke rules and they do something to have good life.In conlusion i think Jonas world is very bad but safe.

3 In conlcusion i think Jonas is going to have a hard time learning this memot elories.I think Jonas will broke a rule and he will be punished really bad.I think Jonas will tell about his training and he will be released.I predict that Jonas will be tell about the releasement and the relearnt will be bad so he will need to tell the truth.In conclusion i think that this book is very good .



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